50 research outputs found

    Secure Multiparty Computation with Partial Fairness

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    A protocol for computing a functionality is secure if an adversary in this protocol cannot cause more harm than in an ideal computation where parties give their inputs to a trusted party which returns the output of the functionality to all parties. In particular, in the ideal model such computation is fair -- all parties get the output. Cleve (STOC 1986) proved that, in general, fairness is not possible without an honest majority. To overcome this impossibility, Gordon and Katz (Eurocrypt 2010) suggested a relaxed definition -- 1/p-secure computation -- which guarantees partial fairness. For two parties, they construct 1/p-secure protocols for functionalities for which the size of either their domain or their range is polynomial (in the security parameter). Gordon and Katz ask whether their results can be extended to multiparty protocols. We study 1/p-secure protocols in the multiparty setting for general functionalities. Our main result is constructions of 1/p-secure protocols when the number of parties is constant provided that less than 2/3 of the parties are corrupt. Our protocols require that either (1) the functionality is deterministic and the size of the domain is polynomial (in the security parameter), or (2) the functionality can be randomized and the size of the range is polynomial. If the size of the domain is constant and the functionality is deterministic, then our protocol is efficient even when the number of parties is O(log log n) (where n is the security parameter). On the negative side, we show that when the number of parties is super-constant, 1/p-secure protocols are not possible when the size of the domain is polynomial

    On Secure Computation of Solitary Output Functionalities With and Without Broadcast

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    Solitary output secure computation models scenarios, where a single entity wishes to compute a function over an input that is distributed among several mutually distrusting parties. The computation should guarantee some security properties, such as correctness, privacy, and guaranteed output delivery. Full security captures all these properties together. This setting is becoming very important, as it is relevant to many real-world scenarios, such as service providers wishing to learn some statistics on the private data of their users. In this paper, we study full security for solitary output three-party functionalities in the point-to-point model (without broadcast) assuming at most a single party is corrupted. We give a characterization of the set of three-party Boolean functionalities and functionalities with up to three possible outputs (over a polynomial-size domain) that are computable with full security in the point-to-point model against a single corrupted party. We also characterize the set of three-party functionalities (over a polynomial-size domain) where the output receiving party has no input. Using this characterization, we identify the set of parameters that allow certain functionalities related to private set intersection to be securely computable in this model. Our main technical contribution is a reinterpretation of the hexagon argument due to Fischer et al. [Distributed Computing \u2786]. While the original argument relies on the agreement property (i.e., all parties output the same value) to construct an attack, we extend the argument to the solitary output setting, where there is no agreement. Furthermore, using our techniques, we were also able to advance our understanding of the set of solitary output three-party functionalities that can be computed with full security, assuming broadcast but where two parties may be corrupted. Specifically, we extend the set of such functionalities that were known to be computable, due to Halevi et al. [TCC \u2719]

    MPC for Tech Giants (GMPC): Enabling Gulliver and the Lilliputians to Cooperate Amicably

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    In this work, we introduce the Gulliver multi-party computation model (GMPC). The GMPC model considers a single highly powerful party, called the server or Gulliver, that is connected to nn users over a star topology network (alternatively formulated as a full network, where the server can block any message). The users are significantly less powerful than the server, and, in particular, should have both computation and communication complexities that are polylogarithmic in nn. Protocols in the GMPC model should be secure against malicious adversaries that may corrupt a subset of the users and/or the server. Designing protocols in the GMPC model is a delicate task, since users can only hold information about polylog(n) other users (and, in particular, can only communicate with polylog(n) other users). In addition, the server can block any message between any pair of honest parties. Thus, reaching an agreement becomes a challenging task. Nevertheless, we design generic protocols in the GMPC model, assuming that at most α<1/6\alpha<1/6 fraction of the users may be corrupted (in addition to the server). Our main contribution is a variant of Feige's committee election protocol [FOCS 1999] that is secure in the GMPC model. Given this tool we show: 1. Assuming fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), any computationally efficient function with O(npolylog(n))O\left(n\cdot polylog(n)\right)-size output can be securely computed in the GMPC model. 2. Any function that can be computed by a circuit of O(polylog(n))O(polylog(n)) depth, O(npolylog(n))O\left(n\cdot polylog(n)\right) size, and bounded fan-in and fan-out can be securely computed in the GMPC model without assuming FHE. 3. In particular, sorting can be securely computed in the GMPC model without assuming FHE. This has important applications for the shuffle model of differential privacy, and resolves an open question of Bell et al. [CCS 2020]

    Three Party Secure Computation with Friends and Foes

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    In secure multiparty computation (MPC), the goal is to allow a set of mutually distrustful parties to compute some function of their private inputs in a way that preserves security properties, even in the face of adversarial behavior by some of the parties. However, classical security definitions do not pose any privacy restrictions on the view of honest parties. Thus, if an attacker adversarially leaks private information to honest parties, it does not count as a violation of privacy. This is arguably undesirable, and in real-life scenarios, it is hard to imagine that possible users would agree to have their private information revealed, even if only to other honest parties. To address this issue, Alon et al. [CRYPTO 20] introduced the notion of security with friends and foes (FaF security). In essence, (t,h)(t,h)-FaF security requires that a malicious adversary corrupting up to tt parties cannot help a coalition of hh semi-honest parties to learn anything beyond what they can learn from their inputs and outputs (combined with the input and outputs of the malicious parties). They further showed that (t,h)(t,h)-FaF security with nn parties is achievable for any functionality if 2t+h<n2t+h<n, and for some functionality, (t,h)(t,h)-FaF security is impossible assuming 2t+hn2t+h\geq n. A remaining important open problem is to characterize the set of nn-party functionalities that can be computed with (t,h)(t,h)-FaF security assuming 2t+hn2t+h\geq n. In this paper, we focus on the special, yet already challenging, case of (1,1)(1,1)-FaF security for three-party, 2-ary (two inputs), symmetric (all parties output the same value) functionalities. We provide several positive results, a lower bound on the round complexity, and an impossibility result. In particular, we prove the following. (1) we identify a large class of three-party Boolean symmetric 2-ary functionalities that can be computed with (1,1)(1,1)-FaF full security, and (2) We identify a large class of three-party (possibly non-Boolean) symmetric 2-ary functionalities, for which no O(logκ)O(\log\kappa)-round protocol computes them with (1,1)(1,1)-FaF full security. This matches the round complexity of our positive results for various interesting functionalities, such as equality of strings

    Can Alice and Bob Guarantee Output to Carol?

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    In the setting of solitary output computations, only a single designated party learns the output of some function applied to the private inputs of all participating parties with the guarantee that nothing beyond the output is revealed. The setting of solitary output functionalities is a special case of secure multiparty computation, which allows a set of mutually distrusting parties to compute some function of their private inputs. The computation should guarantee some security properties, such as correctness, privacy, fairness, and output delivery. Full security captures all these properties together. Solitary output computation is a common setting that has become increasingly important, as it is relevant to many real-world scenarios, such as federated learning and set disjointness. In the set-disjointness problem, a set of parties with private datasets wish to convey to another party whether they have a common input. In this work, we investigate the limits of achieving set-disjointness which already has numerous applications and whose feasibility (under non-trivial conditions) was left open in the work of Halevi et al. (TCC 2019). Towards resolving this, we completely characterize the set of Boolean functions that can be computed in the three-party setting in the face of a malicious adversary that corrupts up to two of the parties. As a corollary, we characterize the family of set-disjointness functions that can be computed in this setting, providing somewhat surprising results regarding this family and resolving the open question posed by Halevi et al

    On the Complexity of Fair Coin Flipping

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    A two-party coin-flipping protocol is ϵ\epsilon-fair if no efficient adversary can bias the output of the honest party (who always outputs a bit, even if the other party aborts) by more than ϵ\epsilon. Cleve [STOC \u2786] showed that rr-round o(1/r)o(1/r)-fair coin-flipping protocols do not exist. Awerbuch et al. [Manuscript \u2785] constructed a Θ(1/r)\Theta(1/\sqrt{r})-fair coin-flipping protocol, assuming the existence of one-way functions. Moran et al. [Journal of Cryptology \u2716] constructed an rr-round coin-flipping protocol that is Θ(1/r)\Theta(1/r)-fair (thus matching the aforementioned lower bound of Cleve [STOC \u2786]), assuming the existence of oblivious transfer. The above gives rise to the intriguing question of whether oblivious transfer, or more generally ``public-key primitives\u27\u27, is required for an o(1/r)o(1/\sqrt r)-fair coin flipping. This question was partially answered by Dachman-Soled et al. [TCC \u2711] and Dachman-Soled et al. [TCC \u2714], who showed that restricted types of fully black-box reductions cannot establish o(1/r)o(1/\sqrt r)-fair coin-flipping protocols from one-way functions. In particular, for constant-round coin-flipping protocols, Dachman-Soled et al. showed that black-box techniques from one-way functions can only guarantee fairness of order 1/r1/\sqrt{r}. We make progress towards answering the above question by showing that, for any constant rNr\in \mathbb N, the existence of an 1/(cr)1/(c\cdot \sqrt{r})-fair, rr-round coin-flipping protocol implies the existence of an infinitely-often key-agreement protocol, where cc denotes some universal constant (independent of rr). Our reduction is non black-box and makes a novel use of the recent dichotomy for two-party protocols of Haitner et al. [FOCS \u2718] to facilitate a two-party variant of the recent attack of Beimel et al. [FOCS \u2718] on multi-party coin-flipping protocols

    Optimizing Semi-Honest Secure Multiparty Computation for the Internet

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    In the setting of secure multiparty computation, a set of parties with private inputs wish to compute some function of their inputs without revealing anything but their output. Over the last decade, the efficiency of secure \emph{two-party} computation has advanced in leaps and bounds, with speedups of some orders of magnitude, making it fast enough to be of use in practice. In contrast, progress on the case of multiparty computation (with more than two parties) has been much slower, with very little work being done. Currently, the only implemented efficient multiparty protocol has many rounds of communication (linear in the depth of the circuit being computed) and thus is not suited for Internet-like settings where latency is not very low. In this paper, we construct highly efficient \emph{constant-round} protocols for the setting of multiparty computation for semi-honest adversaries. Our protocols work by constructing a multiparty garbled circuit, as proposed in BMR (Beaver et al., STOC 1990). Our first protocol uses oblivious transfer and constitutes the \textit{first} concretely-efficient constant-round multiparty protocol for the case of no honest majority. Our second protocol uses BGW, and is significantly more efficient than the FairplayMP protocol (Ben-David et al., CCS 2008) that also uses BGW. We ran extensive experimentation comparing our different protocols with each other and with a highly-optimized implementation of semi-honest GMW. Due to our protocol being constant round, it significantly outperforms GMW in Internet-like settings. For example, with 13 parties situated in the Virginia and Ireland Amazon regions and the SHA256 circuit with 90,000 gates and of depth 4000, the overall running time of our protocol is 25 seconds compared to 335 seconds for GMW. Furthermore, our \emph{online time} is under half a second compared to 330 seconds for GMW